Risk-Adjusted Returns: Leveraging Portfolio Diversification and Technology to Maximize Returns
Blog Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteLearn about different types of risks, how to use these risks to maximize returns, and different ways you can leverage portfolio management software.
How Data Silos Impact Productivity, Data Integrity, and Revenue
Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteLearn how data silos can hinder your firm’s growth and strategies to overcome the effects of inaccessible data.
Automation in CRE: 5 Processes You Can Streamline with Asset Management Software
Blog Automation & Efficiency, Benchmarking, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteLearn how asset management software can streamline time-consuming tasks and help your firm navigate market shifts and gain a competitive edge.
Changing Dynamics in CRE Management
Webinars Market Trends C-SuiteLearn why forward-thinking CRE professionals are turning to new methods to navigate the risks and opportunities of their properties and portfolios as dynamic market conditions create significant change for the commercial real estate industry.
Globe St. Pay It Forward: “Stop Talking About the Work. Let the Work Speak for Itself.”
News, Media Mentions Operations C-SuiteAnne Hollander, CEO of Lobby CRE in Dallas, TX
Area of expertise…
The Great Resignation in CRE: How to Embrace Technology and Flexibility for a Competitive Future
Blog Operations, Growth & Performance, Market Trends C-SuitePost-pandemic and with evolving workforce expectations, technology is no longer a luxury - it’s a necessity for CRE firms who want to win the war on talent.
Changing Dynamics of CRE Management
Blog Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteCEO of Lobby CRE, Anne Hollander, discusses economic, social, and digital changes the market has experienced, as well as her best practices for managing your portfolio with these changes in mind.
Leveraging CRE Tech to Navigate Change & Drive Success in 2021
eBooks Technology & Innovation, Market Trends C-SuiteLearn how commercial real estate companies can be well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in 2021 – if they have the right technology.
Assessing Methods of Communication as Your CRE Firm Grows
Blog Operations, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Market Trends C-SuiteAcquiring assets is always a great time to assess whether your current means of communication and information management are providing value and identify pitfalls that are adding unwanted risk and inefficiencies.
The Benefits and Applications of Automation in CRE
Blog Automation & Efficiency Asset & Portfolio Managers, C-SuiteWith automation, disparate data sources and systems are interconnected and optimized, producing real-time insights, recommending opportunities, and flagging risks so that you can quickly gain a better understanding of how to capture value.