Tag Archive for: Data Analysis & Insights

Using Relevant Market Data to Identify Areas of Underperformance
Resource, Checklists Data Analysis & Insights, Growth & PerformanceThe Income/Expense IQ Benchmark program, which uses data from…

Benchmark Data in CRE: 3 Metrics that Provide Actionable Insights
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Benchmarking Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsCRE firms must monitor and track their properties to gauge how they measure up against the market, find new opportunities, and expose potential risks.

Centralizing CRE Financial Data with Asset Management Software
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteWith so much data to handle, it can be easy to lose track of critical information that may lead to inaccurate reporting or missed opportunities. Centralizing your financial data can improve your management processes and help you make better-informed decisions.

Using Benchmark Data to Identify CRE Portfolio Opportunities
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Benchmarking Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteAs the market shifts, a proactive CRE cashflow management strategy will be important so that you move with the market – not against it. Benchmark data can help you understand property performance, prove the value of your efforts, and yield speedy returns for both owners and investors.

Using Benchmark Data to Identify CRE Portfolio Opportunities
Resource, Webinars Data Analysis & Insights, Benchmarking, Market TrendsLearn how benchmark data can help you compare and evaluate property data, visualize portfolio ranks, and make more informed decisions to yield speedy returns for owners and investors.

Protecting Your Returns: Optimizing Operational and Debt Performance in Your CRE Assets
Resource, Webinars Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Growth & Performance, Benchmarking, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsIn this webinar, you'll learn new methodologies to generate performance analysis for your asset - so you can accurately assess where you rank today and identify specific areas of opportunity to drive & protect your returns and achieve the promote.

2023 CRE Outlook: The Recalibration of Commercial Real Estate
Resource, Webinars Data Analysis & Insights, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsLearn how to plan for the new year to effectively navigate changes and gain more control over the outcomes of your portfolio.

The Recalibration of CRE: The Who, What, When, Why, and How
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsThe recalibration of CRE may differ from the norms of the traditional commercial real estate cycle; however, this shift can create new opportunities for CRE firms to assess their portfolio and adjust their cashflow management strategies.

Four Performance Levers to Manage and Optimize Cashflow in CRE
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Operations, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsThe ability to be nimble and quickly adjust your cashflow management strategies with the market is key. But first, you must understand the performance levers you have available to drive cash, valuation, and the promote for your portfolio.

Strategically Optimizing CRE Debt in a Changing Market
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsIn our recent webinar, panelists Kevin Swill, CEO of Thirty Capital Financial, and George Cline, Co-Founder of Ardent Equity Group, shared insights and strategies concerning how to navigate debt in a changing landscape.