Tag Archive for: Market Trends

2023 CRE Outlook: The Recalibration of Commercial Real Estate
Resource, Webinars Data Analysis & Insights, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsLearn how to plan for the new year to effectively navigate changes and gain more control over the outcomes of your portfolio.

The Recalibration of CRE: The Who, What, When, Why, and How
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsThe recalibration of CRE may differ from the norms of the traditional commercial real estate cycle; however, this shift can create new opportunities for CRE firms to assess their portfolio and adjust their cashflow management strategies.

4 Recession-Proof CRE Assets to Consider During Market Shifts
Resource, Blog Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsWhile it is impossible to predict how economic downturns will impact the CRE market, some assets have been proven to withstand market shifts better than others. And in the midst of rising interest rates, widening cap rates, and supply chain issues, owners and investors are seeking safe opportunities that will drive high returns.

Four Performance Levers to Manage and Optimize Cashflow in CRE
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Operations, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsThe ability to be nimble and quickly adjust your cashflow management strategies with the market is key. But first, you must understand the performance levers you have available to drive cash, valuation, and the promote for your portfolio.

Strategically Optimizing CRE Debt in a Changing Market
Resource, Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsIn our recent webinar, panelists Kevin Swill, CEO of Thirty Capital Financial, and George Cline, Co-Founder of Ardent Equity Group, shared insights and strategies concerning how to navigate debt in a changing landscape.

6 Ways to Maximize CRE Multifamily Cashflow
Resource, Checklists Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteIn commercial real estate, cashflow is critical to meeting and exceeding financial obligations, expectations, and growth projections across the firm. Use this checklist for tips to help maximize cashflow in your CRE portfolio.

2023 Outlook Across the 4 Levers of Performance
Webinars Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsLearn the 4 performance levers of your asset and portfolio that drive cash, valuation, and the promote.

Using Benchmarks to Set and Verify CRE Budget Reports
Resource, Blog Cashflow Management, Growth & Performance, Benchmarking, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite/
Once you finalize your budget for the forthcoming year, you must monitor progress and prioritize the firm’s financial goals to ensure a successful year. Asset management technology simplifies benchmarking and verifying reports.

Strategically Optimizing CRE Debt in a Changing Market
Resource, Webinars Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-Suite, Equity InvestorsLearn how to develop a solid debt management strategy in an unpredictable market.

6 Signs You Need CRE Asset Management Software
Resource, Checklists Data Analysis & Insights, Cashflow Management, Operations, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, Property Managers, Finance & Accounting, C-SuiteAsset management software can address your challenges, help optimize your cashflow for faster returns, and create additional value for your firm. If you can identify with any of these 6 statements, your firm may need an asset management solution.