Tag Archive for: Market Trends

Leveraging CRE Tech to Navigate Change & Drive Success in 2021
eBooks Technology & Innovation, Market Trends C-SuiteLearn how commercial real estate companies can be well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in 2021 – if they have the right technology.

Assessing Methods of Communication as Your CRE Firm Grows
Blog Operations, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Market Trends C-SuiteAcquiring assets is always a great time to assess whether your current means of communication and information management are providing value and identify pitfalls that are adding unwanted risk and inefficiencies.

Digital Transformation in CRE | Managing Tenant Delinquency in the Age of Covid-19
eBooks Market Trends Property ManagersLearn how the the pandemic has accelerated the digital economy and highlighted the need for digital transformation to maintain a competitive edge moving forward.

What is Portfolio Management Software?
Blog Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, C-SuiteDefine portfolio management software, understand the benefits this type of technology can provide for your CRE firm, and learn how to choose the right software and provider.

How to Identify Opportunities in Your Portfolio with CRE Technology
Blog Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, C-SuiteThe right asset management solution will give you quick access to key insights about your existing portfolio and industry trends so you can make informed, NOI-boosting decisions.

How to Scale Your Business with CRE Technology
Blog Technology & Innovation, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Market Trends C-SuiteTechnology has changed how CRE firms do business and can directly influence your ability to scale. Investing in the right technology will not only make scaling your CRE company realistic but also will reduce unnecessarily repetitive processes in your firm.

Overcoming Obstacles to Build a Data-Driven Culture for Your CRE Firm
Blog Data Analysis & Insights, Operations, Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Market Trends C-SuiteDespite many CRE companies producing thousands and thousands of data points and having the required conversations around how to leverage the information, a true data-driven culture frequently remains just out of reach.

Addressing Distrust in Data with CRE Tech and Reporting
Blog Technology & Innovation, Data Analysis & Insights, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, C-SuiteCRE technology can greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to generate these reports while boosting your credibility and increasing your confidence (and that of your stakeholders) in the data.

Managing Increased Scrutiny in CRE During Times of Uncertainty
Blog Market Trends C-SuiteThe best way to successfully navigate uncharted waters is to proactively leverage data and reporting, minimize impacts to your bottom-line, and manage investor expectations.

5 Signs You Need Asset Management Software
Blog Automation & Efficiency, Growth & Performance, Market Trends Asset & Portfolio Managers, C-SuiteWith benefits that include enabling data-driven decision-making, driving operational efficiencies, and eliminating manual processes, those who fail to adopt technology risk getting left behind.